To every single one of my friends…
Especially dedicated to:
- My 2nd cousin, who I think more of as a close friend, who I've known since we were babies and have developed such a bond in the past 4 years, Samantha Low;
- My close friend, who unselfishly stays up and uses up all her credit in one call just so that I can talk to her at 3 o’clock in the morning about my troubles, Hillary Ang;
- My random, blur close friend, who I've just met and gotten to know in less than 2 years, and who I would do the stupidest things with, just because it's her, Michelle Wong;
- My creative ex-cell leader and friend, who has inspired me to make cards and other stuff; Julia Tan;
- My silly friend, who listens to me talk about everything and nothing and all my complaining nearly everyday, Keean Tan;
- My unique friend, who I always have fun spending time with and just hanging out and chatting, Erin Carrington;
- My school buddy, who I’ve just met this year, who is really different from me but we’re great together somehow; Victoria McDonald.
A friend
* Supports you all the time
* Does not compete with you
* Understands whatever you do
* Tells the truth about yourself
* Empowers you in matters of joy, happiness and fulfillment
* Is genuinely happy for you when things do well
* Is someone to call upon during good times
* Is someone to call upon during bad times
* Knows what you are going through at all times
* Refuses to listen to gossip about you
* Supports you all the time
* Does not compete with you
* Understands whatever you do
* Tells the truth about yourself
* Empowers you in matters of joy, happiness and fulfillment
* Is genuinely happy for you when things do well
* Is someone to call upon during good times
* Is someone to call upon during bad times
* Knows what you are going through at all times
* Refuses to listen to gossip about you
I thank you all for being there for me. And sometimes, just for trying your best to be there. I know I’m not the best friend in the world and it might seem like I’m taking you for granted sometimes but I just really want you to know that I really appreciate you guys for just accepting me for who I am.
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How did we become this close? I have no idea. It may seem like circumstances brought us together – it might have been – but it wasn’t just circumstances that kept us this close til today. In fact, circumstances made us be apart, physically, but somehow we were always close. We could always come back to each other and talk about anything. You may think that you’re telling me too much and complaining too much sometimes but I really enjoy listening to you. Now that I can’t see what’s going on in your life, at least I can listen to it. =)
I miss seeing you 5 times a week at school. I miss writing letters to you just to pass it to you in school. I miss making and giving my ‘name things’ to you just for fun. I miss hanging out in 1U with you when Hilly can’t go (which is always!). I miss going to concerts with you even if it’s just the 2 of us and you can’t find your friend who was suppose to meet you. I miss playing DDR with you on your single dance mat and sharing a homemade ice cream sundae with burnt chocolate on it. Lastly, I really miss teasing you and JW – mostly JW - but I miss how it was my daily routine everyday after school in form 2. =P
And I’ve always found it fascinating how you never really seem to get annoyed with me. ;P Haha!
You’re an awesome friend to have and I would never ever trade you for anything or anyone! You’re hardworking, you try your best in everything and would never hurt anyone on purpose. You’re beautiful just the way you are and I think that’s partially why you have JW (it better not be the only reason if not you can call me and I’ll be on the plane to give him the ‘evil stare’ ;P ). But you’re also beautiful on the inside and you deserve every single good thing that happens in your life!
I love you and I’m always here for you no matter where you are and what you choose. Just remember to inform me when stuff happens, okay, darl? And don’t worry too much! “Don’t be mad or sad, remember me and be glad!” =D *sends virtual hugs*
I can’t wait to go back there and celebrate your birthday with you!!
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Hilly with her darling bf =P Hehe
Happy belated birthday, babe! =)
I just can’t believe that I’ve not seen you for nearly 2 years. It just seems surreal to be your friend but not be in your life. I feel like I’m the one falling behind in your life in Malaysia. Sometimes I really wish you were just here even if it’s for a second but just be here and give me a hug so that I know that you’re still there. I always worry that something might happen and I won’t find out until it doesn’t matter anymore. (I don’t know if that sentence made sense)
I miss our midnight calls just to talk about boys and how frustrating they are (It was ‘Cake’ and ‘Asparagus’ last time.. ;P ). I miss staying over at your house for 3 days and 2 nights and just hanging out and going high. I miss passing letters to you and Sam in school. I miss watching movies on your old computer and straining to look at the screen. I miss you doing my hair and all that girly stuff. I miss being in the same class with you and sitting next to you everyday. I miss making up names for people just so that they don’t know that we are talking about them. I miss you just being here for me and me being here for you.
You’re a great person to be around and even though some lousy people might find you annoying, I think that they are just jealous that you are different! ;P And cause you are a freak hottie who attracts so many guys! You are always trying to help people and would never mean to hurt anyone! Never stop doing silly stuff because when you do, you know that you’re getting old! Haha..
You know that I love you and I’ll be here for you even though we’re separated by the ocean. Even if you’re gonna be the only one of the 3 of us left in Malaysia for Form 5, you’re gonna be fine in SPM and you’re probably the one that handles stress the best amongst us 3! I’ll be waiting for you to come to Melbourne to study med, okay? ;P I’ve got heaps to tell you but it’s just not the same when we can’t see each other.. We’ll catch up when I stay over! =D
Oh! And don’t forget – I love you the MOST! Even more than Ad! ;P hehehe..
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What can I say about you?
You put a smile on my face. You’re loud and I’m loud (sometimes). ;P You make me do the silliest things ever that should not be mentioned in this blog to safe my face but you know what I’m talking about. Other than just the hyper, silly things we do together, we also talk about stuff we don’t usually tell other people. I think that when you’re comfortable to go crazy with someone and also speak to each other about anything, that’s something special.
You literally know nearly everything about me unless I’m keeping it from you for a good reason or I just forget to tell you. You’ve listened to all my stories for about 3 times in average because you’re always there when I tell my story again to someone else. I tell you anything that pops up into my mind, just because and you listen no matter what. =)
I really miss receiving bumper stickers from you! I used to get like 20 in one go but you deactivated your Facebook account. Go and activate your account and send me more!! I miss sending bumper stickers that would remind me of you. Now, I’ve got hardly anything to do on facebook and I hardly even go onto bumper stickers anymore.. =(
Anyways, I know I have my flaws and you do get frustrated with me sometimes, but I wanna thank you so much for putting up with me and hanging with me anyways =) I am so lucky to have a friend like you who does not care that I do silly and stupid things, mainly because you do sillier and stupider things but I’m glad that there’s hardly ever a dull moment when I’m with you!
I’ll be honest and say that I do get annoyed at you, sometimes but we hang out so much that it’s kinda only natural that I do. I guess if I get annoyed at you it means that I care enough about you to take my time to be annoyed? (I hope that made sense!)
I thank you so much for just being a friend to me. I’m sure going to miss living so close to you when I move. =( No matter what, know that I care for you and I’ll be here. I pray that our friendship will grow and will not die out =) Never let anyone bring you down. They aren’t worth being upset for. I also just wanna say sorry if I’ve ever hurt you in any way.
ily, squiny! ;P
~ - ~ - ~
As I said in your birthday present, if feels like I’ve known you for a really long time but I’ve actually only known you for less than 2 years! I guess sometimes you just click with certain people just like that.
I really miss having you as a tribe leader. I miss having our discussions, questions, answers and all that ;P I couldn’t have asked for a better tribe leader! I’m really proud to have been one of your ‘girls’. It’s kinda sad that I couldn’t be in Impact youth for longer but I hope that I can still one of your ‘girls’ anyways. Thank you for teaching me so much not only about being a Christian but about various other things as well!
I love all the little notes, cards and bookmarks that you make for me! Even though you make heaps of them you never fail to personalize each one! I envy that you take so much time and effort to bless so many people around you.. I honestly really, really love the birthday present you gave to me and it is soooo Julia to give stuff like that to me! ;P Not in a bad way! Oh, and the speech that you gave during my party was bea-u-tiful!
Thank you for being my friend. You’ve just been a blessing to me. You’re always there to listen to anything that’s bothering me. I love the time when we just went out just to catch up and had coffee, chips and chicken salt! =P There’s always something to tell you and to say to you and it never gets awkward! =) Maybe it’s also cause you’re one of the people who get my lame jokes! Haha! ;P Thanks also for watching my ballet performances! I know some of them can get looong and boring but you sit through it without complaining.. You really are my No. 1 fan! =D
I apologize if I ever did or said anything that might have hurt you or offended you. And I know I’m not the best friend in the world or whatever but I really appreciate having you as a friend.. Also, thanks so much for inviting me to your birthday party and giving me a reason to dress up! =P
I can’t wait for our ‘T’ day! =D I’m sure we’ll have fun catching up and drinking tea and I can’t remember what else.. ;P
Love you so much!!! xx
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Keean trying to be cool, unsuccessfully =P
About Keean.. The guy that lives like 2 minutes from my school.. Hmm.. And well, we chat on msn nearly everyday. I’m surprised you’re not sick of me yet! Maybe you are.. ;P LOL! Thanks for listening to me talk and complain about everything.. And most of the time you’re actually listening and you remember stuff! Surprisingly!
You’re just one of those people that are fun to talk to online – most of the time.. Except when you play dota without telling and I’m left there talking to myself for like 30 minutes! - Okayyy, maybe not for that long but still! Ditcher! =P I have fun bagging you about everything and anything.. And you bag me about random things as well.. Oh btw, I just read Audrey’s blog about the cheese LOL! THAT was funnyyy!! Homebrand’s been-through-heaps-of-processing-before-it-is-packed-and-is-qualified-to-be-sold cheese! LOL! =P
Anyways, you can get quite annoying at times.. And frustrating.. And blurr.. And you can ask the stupidest questions.. Yes, I do get pissed at you quite abit.. But you’re generally a good friend, for a guy.. =P And you try and cheer me when I’m feeling emo so I can’t really complain about a friend like you.. I’m sorry if I say things that are too mean but you know I don’t really mean it.. =)
Thanks for letting me go to house because there wasn’t a bus and I didn’t wanna walk to the tram stop.. =) And also letting Kami and your beloved, Nathan, to drop by as well. =P Haha! Fun times! =D Except you just play dota most of the time.. =.= But I get to steal your lollies so it’s ok! =D Having fun eating licorice, Keean? =P Haha!
Well, there’s nothing much to say that wouldn’t be bagging you somemore and I wanna be nice so I won’t say it.. =P
Thanks for being my friend, Keean!! =)
Oh, by the way, you define gay. ;P LOL
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Erin, Erin, Erin..
I seriously can’t even remember how we became friends! It seems like one second you were ignoring me on our first few days and then the next second we’re hanging out like old mates!
I’m just glad to have you as a friend. I always have fun hanging out with you. You’re funny, different and you always have something to tell me. =) You’re someone I know I can always ask if I wanna go out somewhere and you’ll try your absolute best to help me. I really enjoy going shopping with you and just hanging out and eating. =D I love talking to you just about whatever that comes up.
I’m sorry that we were only in the same school for a year. Wish it could’ve been longer but we hardly have any trouble hanging out even though we’re not in the same school, so I shouldn’t even be complaining, eh? =P I don’t know why we’re so close but I guess sometimes things just turn out this way?
I just wanna say sorry if I hurt you in any way at all. I’m sorry if I had other things to do and had to put that before you. And I’m sorry if I hadn’t been a good friend to you.
I really wanna thank you so much for being a friend to me. Thank you for going out with me whenever I needed to go shopping. Thanks for dealing with me when you have to wait for me to make up my mind about what I wanted to buy. Thanks for coming with me to Pilates when I wanted to go try it for the first time. Thanks for inviting me to your small birthday gathering – that made me feel special! And lastly, thanks for liking me for who I am.
You always make me laugh and I always have an awesome time with you! Don’t ever let anyone put you down because you deserve much more than just that! =) Can’t wait to watch HSM3 with you! Thanks so so so so so much for paying for me! =)
I love you, Erin! *hugs*
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It’s funny how we’ve only known each other for less than a year but the year has gone by really quickly as well! A year is sooo long but it feels so short! Haha.. I’m confusing you, aren’t I?
I think it’s awesomely cool that we’ve become good friends because we’re both so different in some ways! Just the way we look is sooo different! ;P Also the things we’re into are different! I like dancing and performing and all that kinda thing and you would never even think twice about cheerleading and performing. The type of music that we listen to is like completely different, too! However, we both do like window shopping, a lot! We like chips! We’re mostly quiet unless we know the person. And we both enjoy each other’s company. =D
I’ve had heaps of fun with you this year! I really love spending lunch and recess with you (even though you weren’t there for like half the time ;P ) and just taking like a hundred weird and random pictures on photobooth. I like just spending time with you, hanging out after school, wagging school just to come to my house, going out after my ballet exam just because and so on.. ;P
You’ve been a great friend to me and I can’t imagine my school year in Year 10 without you around! Thanks for hanging out with me and making my school days more bearable! Lots of people don’t take the time to get to know you and they would just miss out on getting to know a great friend! =)
I hope that we’ll still hang out as much next year even though there’s gonna be more people coming and all that. I really hope that I like philosophy and so that we can at least be in 1 class together for the first time! =P
Love you! =)
P.S. When am I going to your house? ;P We’re going to have chips and gravy, remember?
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I thank you all,
for just being
my friend.
my friend.
4 responses:
I looooooooooooooooooooove you so much kim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldnt ask for a better friend in all the world!!!!!
And I'm sooo unbelievably flattered and touched that you took the time to write about me like that =)
I feel very special and loved now =)
thankyou xDD
HSM3= CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and im so glad i can experience it with you!!!
i stupidly accidentally read a synopsis, thinking it was for hsm1+2 and it ruined it for me >=/
but oh well, i'll enjoy it all the same, esp, seeing with you xD
lovvve you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so so so so so so so unbelievably much!!!!!!!!!!!!
love erin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i've already emailed u my reply 2 this but i'll post it on here neway :p
thanks so much kimmy *hugs hugs hugs* u're the best!!! keep dancing on, my beautiful butterfly ballerina ^______^ love you, talk 2 u soon
xoxo julia
aww sooo sweet...=D oh btw.. dontcha just LOVE how awesome i look as a man...? HOTT right...?
Love u toooo =D
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