So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind

Monday, December 22, 2008

Ahh! It's been nearly a week since my last post! Haha.. I've been busy reading.. Yes, love stories.. eheh.. I've finished 'can you keep a secret?', 'singletini' and 'hex and the single girl'. Yay! All lend to me by Mich.. I like Can You Keep a Secret the best but it's also the longest. I'm gonna try read bits of it before I go back to Msia =D 

So, Mich went to Msia on Wednesday.. Keean was being gay and emo that night.. I ignored him that night.. ;P I know, mean but oh well.. 

I had another Christmas dinner thing on Friday night. I made those butterfly wing stuff =D yummy! It was at my aunt's house and as usual, food was great! =) 

Then, on Saturday, I had to wake up at 10.30 am because the people wanted to come and see the house and all that and I had to leave the house until 11.30.. bleahh.. I slept late the night before cause I was reading.. ;P Yeap, not good at all! =( I went to blacky square but I kinda came up with some presents then so it wasn't all wasted. I got home at about 12pm. Finished all the butterfly wings. =D Then, we had to to a 2nd hand book store to get our school books. We were kinda late and taking longer than we'd expected and I was late for my date with Juliaa.. 

I was suppose to meet her at 2.45 but I got there at 3.15pm.. Julia and I had our 'T' date at Box Hill.. =D We had Bubble tea, chips with tomato sauce and we didn't get to eat the Tim Tam I brought. We were suppose to get tiramisu but La Porchetta didn't have it. We had an awesome, awesome time of just catching up. We talked about her work, planning our next date, and I can't remember what else.. We just kinda talked about anything that came up. Really! I can't wait to hang out with Julia again.. =DD Julia had to leave at 5pm. So I went home too. =(

We had a dinner thing at Rachel (Kee)'s house. Yeap, yummy foood again =DD After dinner, Rachel, Jean and I launched into a discussing Twilight series mode I couldn't say most of the stuff that I wanted to talk about but I couldn't cause my sis and Rachel had not read Breaking Dawn! Ahhh! I chatted with Nicole for abit and then we watched some creepy show.. it was really interesting but scary.. not gonna go into details or anything because I don't wanna think about it.. Aughh.. 

Church service was 10am this morning but we all kinda woke up late. It was weird not to see Mich at church but meh.. didn't stay long. went to forest hill with mom and dad. then I slept until like 8pm. i was tired, okayyy? =P hahaa.. I should go to sleep now too but I don't really feel like it. 

Can't wait to go to Msia! About 10 days left.. I've got heaps to do!!!!! Oh nooo!

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