Saturday, October 7, 2006

Okay.. i was suppose to go to Sabah somewhere in December to perform for Drunk Before Dawn (a really super cunn musical by SIBKL) because i'm in the DBD choir. and i got picked as one of the 16 girls in the choir to go to Sabah. so yeah.. and was supposed to go there for 4 days.. but, no, my parents won't allow me to go.. Instead, they allow me to go to Melbourne, Australia for a summer ballet camp which lasts for 7 days, not counting the flight days.

Not that i'm complaining ot anything.. but parents have a total different mind-set that i don't understand sometimes.

Oh well.. i prefer dancing anyways and i've heard bout this summer ballet camp for a couple of years now and so it must be good. ooh.. and it's not only ballet.. there's also jazz, contemporary, production and more. so yeahh.. a whole full week of dancing.. i can't wait!! i'm so excited!! eventhough i'm gonna sit at home and get bored (or maybe i'll have fun) while they go to Sabah and perform, i'm gonna dance for 7 whole days so its worth it..

Oh.. and fyi, exams ended yesterday.. therefore you get the after effects of exams on me - hyperness not stop!!! exams were okay i guess..

lets see, the most interesting subject to sit for is... Math! cause i don't mind checking and checking over and over again for Math.. and the most boring subject to sit for is chinese. though i didn't sit for the chinese paper but, we had to sit in the exam room for 3 whole hours waiting for the chinese taking people to finish their exam. and we could bring in books to study but we had to be at our own place. so most of us studied science since we had science paper after that. i wonder how many people actually sucessfully studied during that 3 hours.. I totally salute them.. it was like so hot and the sun was glaring (right into my eyes) and i just wanted to sleep! but i didn't.. i tried my best to study.. the process of studying was more or less like this..

  • open the book to the chapter i wanna study.
  • flip the pages to see what i need to study.
  • found a page.
  • read 2 or 3 sentences.
  • try not to close eyes.
  • daydream for 5 minutes (or more).
  • realise i should be studying.
  • read a few sentences (usually consists of the same 2 or 3 sentences).
  • try not to fall asleep.
  • close eyes for awhile cause of the glaring sunlight.
  • open eyes.
  • read a few sentences and try to understand.
  • daydream for another 5 minutes.
  • realise i am not studyin. "must be the boring chapter", i think.

repeat for nearly 3 whole hours and you get how much i studies in there.

like, the only school which does boring things like these is DJ but i still love DJ, anyways. DJ rocks!!!!!!

anyways, i gotta go.. been writting lotsa crap today.. oh well..

5 responses:

Anonymous said...

am i the first one to read and comment these? well yeah.. dance is good.. well you be missing out opportunity going to sabah alone with friends.. sabah was way cool.. but anyway yeah.. you should enjoy yourself in aus as well.. oh you know youur school DJ is the first public school in malaysia i have ever been into.. although i didnt study there.. just went in it for some reason.. haah.. yeah..

Kateh said...

apparently u are the first to read this particular post yu meng. not for long1 :p yi lyn don't rub in the fact ur going to AUSTRALIA to DANCE DANCE DANCE!!!!! i wanna go too!!!!!! maybe u can smuggle me in in ur luggage. :D

Anonymous said...

its coz everytime yi lin is online, she chats with me and asks me to comment on her blog, so when i do, its like new and no one else has.. so yeah..

Anonymous said...

my name is spelt yi lyn not yi lin!!!

Anonymous said...

sorry...typo error.. course i noe that.. XP

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